Tuesday, March 07, 2006

One Small Step

Big News!!!! Sebastian took his first UNAIDED steps on Sunday.

I was crouching down to his level giving him a cuddle when I decided to flop onto my butt leaving him standing in the middle of the floor about six inches or less in front of me, he stretched out his little arms and took a tentative and shaky, but well planted, step towards me before grabbing onto my knee and supporting himself the rest of the way. Patrick was watching from the dining room table, so neither of us missed it. The only thing we missed was capturing it on camera, but I'm sure that time will come soon.

Also, he's just figured out how to wave. This occurred on Sunday as well, so it was a big day for the wee man. At almost every opportunity he's giving us a big wave or high five and grining manically. It's all very amusing to watch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Dylan said....damn he beat me to the punchline.

And such a baby friendly house you have too...what with powertools and nails and screws and big steps and and and and....

Now the fun begins.

Just watch him run riot when he's running around The Arts...

6:18 pm  

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