Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So, does the trouble begin now?

It's The Monkey's second birthday today, and my has he grown - literally! In the past three weeks he's grown quite a lot. He's now about 3 inches taller and much more mature looking in the face. I think it was the visit to his Gramama in Victoria that did it, plus that country air (far less smoky than in the city).

It's kind of hard to believe that it was two years ago today that he was born. So much has happened that the time has simply flown past in a great blur! He's coming along quite smoothly as well. His vocabulary is improving with every minute that passes, as he attempts to repeat most of the words that Patrick and I say. He's even taken to having conversations on 'the phone' (the phone can range from an actual phone to a calculator, remote control or even an empty strepsils packet). Just yesterday he asked if he could talk to his Grammy on the phone, to which I obliged him. He walked around the house for ten minutes telling her about the weather (it's hot), to various things he saw on the floor (ball) and that he needed to wee (wee wee, toilet, poo poos).

As far as toilet training goes, its slow. There are days when he likes using it, and days when he doesn't, so we're taking it at his pace. He's good at doing "wee wees" in the toilet, but has yet to graduate to "poo poos".

He's wearing glasses now as well, due to being a little bit cross eyed. He loves them. Took to them straight away, and even tries to put them on himself (he doesn't quite get the bit about the legs going over his ears yet, but at least he tries). Won't know more about how they're working until February sometime.

So much has happened since the last update it's difficult to keep track of them. He's growing at such an alarming pace it's hard to keep up with him, let alone his blog :)

Gotta go keep him out of harm's way while Patrick toils away in the scrub land we call a back yard!


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