Thursday, July 27, 2006

It's a Mystery

The Monkey was admitted to hospital last night due to excessive fever and what may have been a urinary tract infection.

On a bright note: all tests carried out proved negative, however it still means we don't know what the cause of the illness is. All that's been discovered is that he's got a high white cell count, which simply means he's got an infection...somewhere.

Patrtick got a little upset by the Lumbar Puncture, but mainly because we weren't able to hold him during the procedure, and his cries for help were left unheeded til it was over. It was the inability to be able to help him that really upset Patrick, which in turn got me upset (up to that point I'd been doing pretty well). The results to that also came back a resounding negative.

Bas perked up somewhat after he was given some extra fluids, and some antibiotics and some other solution of dripiness. But just as he was admitted into the ward his temperature began to soar again and he started getting irritable.

He's to be kept in for a minimum of 48hours, so they can grow the sample cultures to find out if there is anything worth noting. Other than that, he's just there for observation and treatment in the broadest possible way. There's nothing else we can do.

Patrick stayed there last night, and with any luck I'll be bunking with the Monkey tonight.


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