Saturday, April 22, 2006

Things are on the Move, in More Ways Than One!

Bas has started mimicking words I've been saying. His latest in Mime Technology(TM) is "a da" which is "all done". He's picked it up quite quickly and knows pretty much when the right context is to use it. Such as when the shower is finished: "a da"; or his bottle is empty: "a da"; or he's eaten all of his dinner: "a da". He picked it up only a day or two ago, but he's really working with it and enjoying it.

Also this evening, I taught him to put his dirty nappy into the bin. We (I) rolled it up into a little parcel and left it on the floor for him to pick up, he then followed me into the kitchen where I told him to "Put it in the bin" and lifted the lid. He toddled over chattering away to himself, and carefully placed the nappy in the bag. He felt quite proud of himself after that, so off he went and switched off the stove, having forgotten to do so earlier apparently.

There is a small possibility that the Wee Monkey may have a bit of a tummy bug or other for he has been off his food a bit. Merely nibbling one or two things every so often and being really grumpy and clingy as well. Patrick said he actually vomited his dinner up last night, and there was evidence of a small tummy evacuation in the cot this morning, but he appears otherwise fine. That said, if he's not feeling any better by Monday, I'll make an appointment for him to see the doctor to see if we can't nut out the problem.


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