Thursday, March 30, 2006

On the Hoof

So, Bas and I went to Uni to meet Patrick for lunch on Monday. We sat in the Great Court, ate some food and tried to prevent Bas from interrupting the study groups and the people trying to eat. He eventually discovered the magic of the stroller. He grabbed it, stood up and proceeded to push it around the grass in erratic circles, occassionally tripping over his own feet. All the while with a large grin on his face and lots of giggling. This went on for over an hour.

This morning, I heard the young monkey giggling mischieviously and when I looked up, there he was playing with his high chair. Now, the chair is of the wheeled variety, and he frequently walks around the house pushing this rather than his little walking toy thingy, but in this instance he was pulling it towards himself, navigating it into position, then running around the house giggling like a giggly mcgiggler.

He's not yet confident with the unaided toddling, but he's trying it more times than not, often stranding himself in the middle of a room, swaying uneasily on his feet, trying a couple of steps and deciding it's much easier to just get down on his knees and crawl. Though, there have been numerous occassions where he's just let go and walked over to us or to another part of the room (so long as it's only five or less steps away).

He's now decided he wants to go and talk to his Grandma Ward on the phone.


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