And He's Off!
Right, first up: Bas had his latest in the list of appointments with the eye specialist on Monday. Dr. Sullivan is allegedly the "Big Dude" when it comes to eyes and Little People, and (despite his creepy infatuation with photographing the abnormalities the poor kids have) is actually really quite clever (if not a little 'too' much "I'm-Oh-So-Very-Important!") and a seemingly nice gentleman. After a brief examination from some random registrar type person, he came along, had a peek and told us we've got nothing to worry about. The coloboma has not interfered with his natural vision development and there is no sign of the eye drying out due to his inability to close the eye properly all the time while asleep. We've been told to come back in 12 months for another exam, but that surgery would not even be considered until he was about 3 or 4 unless there was a dramatic change in circumstances and his eye started being affected by the deformity. I think he's really lucky it's not a problem, and that it just looks like he's got a squinty left peeper. Kudos to someone.
In other more exciting developmental news... HE'S WALKING! That's right! While in the hospital waiting room, Bas decided that that was the right time to let go of things and get on with it. In fact, he did a wonderful faceplant right in front of Dr. Sullivan at one point, gazed around dazedly and got back up. He was literally running around the place, hands raised for balance, grinning stupidly and giggling manically as he is wont to do. This was the VERY FIRST TIME he'd wandered unaided for more than 5 steps! Since then, he's been exhausting me with his toddling around the house while giggling with pride. He's so incredibly proud of his newest achievement, and he'll do nothing to stop himself. The only thing that does are the toys or pieces of cloth he's thrown on the floor that get in his way because he's concentrating on his balance so much he's not really able to manoeuver his way around things yet. On that note though, he has learned to control his speed and turn around at will (occassionally falling over) and stand up in the middle of the room. Of course, we've got a great big pile of video footage of it (including his first ever attempt at standing up by himself).
Things are moving ahead at an incredibly rapid pace now, who knows what he'll be doing next week!
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