Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Professional Opinion....

Well, I bit the bullet and took Sebastian to the doctor this morning to find out why he was all wobbly on his feet. I even suggested the possibility of an ear infection. Of course, as 'fate' would have it, Bas showed no signs at all of being unsteady on his feet and after a brief prod was given a clean bill of health.

The doc was unable to figure out why he'd been suddenly unsteady, and only appeared willing to take notice of the fact that Bas hit his head on one of his stumbles AFTER the wobbliness had started. Thusly, I felt slightly accused and mostly not impressed with the entire session. The only suggestion I was given was to watch it and see what happens (as if I'd be daft enough to think it unworthy of continued observation. There are reasons I don't like GPs, this is but one reason in a long, long list).

Now I know less what to think (assuming you can go further down the scale from zero knowledge) and can't help but wonder if I'm just making the whole thing up. Which can't be true, because Patrick has noticed it as well and has made mention of it without being prompted. Am I starting to sound like an hysterical first time mother now?

I'm no good at this whole responsibility thing. It's too much stress. I used to be so relaxed (in comparison)....


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