Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bas' Birthday Blah

First up a welcome to the new allaboutbas, I've moved it over to a blogspot address for ease and I'm less than impressed with my web design capabilities at present, so the enjoyable and pleasant google templates are pleasing me more at present.

Onto the main attraction then shall we....

Bas had his first birthday on the 24th of this month. Can you believe it's been an entire year already? I know I certainly can't. So much has happened in the last twelve months that I've hardly had much of a chance to really take notice of the time as it's passed. He's advancing in leaps and bounds, and with the way he's growing, he'll be leaping and bounding about the place in no time at all. It's all happened so quickly that I've barely had any time to really register it all properly.

His favourite past time (aside from being hella cute and knowing it) at present is the pulling himself up onto things and walking around them. He's even started to take an interest in getting his balance, which has on occassions ended up with a light bump on the wooden floor followed by a few noisy tears. He's really moving forward with his mobility.

The newest thing though are words. Nothing particular profound, though with his rather vocal chatterings, I'd really like to know for sure what he's saying because it sounds incredibly interesting. Anyway, he's started to make sounds along the lines of "Juice", and he generally only says it in reference to his cup/bottle of juice. He gets this cute little smile and a glint in his eye when he says it. It's brilliant!

That's about it development wise.

Now to the Birthday Booty Haul©:
He scored pretty damn well actually. At the suggestion of a friend, I organised a little birthday party for the little feller, with the stipulation that any gifts be practical ones NOT toys. It was an incredibly good idea. He scored more books than I've ever seen in my entire life! And they're all so AMAZING! I wish I had books that were as cool as some of these are. They make learning to read fun! His favourite of the library collection is "The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly". He especially likes it when the spider 'wriggles and jiggles and tickles inside her', because he gets a big tummy tickle. Plus he likes to turn the pages himself because of the big holes in the middle of each to see the various animals she swallows.
He got a few items of clothing and some toys of relatives, plus some plates, cups and cutlery. So we're kinda sorted for the next few years on a wide front, which is a pleasant thing to think about.

He also now has his very own guitar. It hasn't stopped him from intervening when we play ours, but at least he can start practicing his best rock star poses!