Friday, February 17, 2006

Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It

Right now Bas is dancing to Patrick playing the guitar. He's holding onto the bassinet (which is on the floor because we've not put it away yet) and bounding around on his chubby little legs with a big smile on his face. He's really good at bopping around in time with the music as well, more evidence towards his musical future perhaps?

Before I sign off, just a small announcement: Bas was only seconds away from taking his first unaided steps the other day. He was holding onto a chair, then let go and wobbled for a bit trying to figure out how to get his legs and balance working at the same time, then decided it was a little too early for it and went back to holding the chair. We're now so much closer to a super moile child than we've ever been.


Sunday, February 05, 2006

The First Cut

Sebastian has just had his first haircut!

The fringe that had been plaguing him and getting into his eyes all the time is now gone, as is most of the hair from around his ears. Unfotrunately, it now appears that the poor kid has a mullet. Methinks I'll be getting the scissors out again tomorrow to give the back a bit of a trim as well.

The hair that was cut off is now sitting in his keepsakes box in an envelope with the following note on the front:
Sebastians very first hair cut in his very first haircut 05 February 2006.
So, there you go. Most of the hair he was born with is now sitting in a box under a chest of drawers in his bedroom. When it'll be brought out again is anyone's guess.

Round of Applause (well, almost)

So, our little man has figured out how to clap! We've been showing him how to do it for quite a while now, but it's only in the past few days that he's actually been trying it for himself. He looks pleased with himself when he does it too, and then gets all shy and embarrassed when we clap back at him.

This morning (or rather this afternoon when Patrick lovingly woke me up with a freshly brewed cup of coffee), Bas was in an incredbly playful mood, and we played "Let's-crawl-round-face-first-on-the-bed-and-try-to-hide-in-plain-view-while-giggling-manically". I believe it was really a badly disguised attempt to wipe the dirt from his face, which was remarkably cleaner than it had been before we started the game. It was great fun, which was continued on the floor as he power crawled his way towards the kitchen in an attempt to hide from mummy.

He's so mature in so many ways it's kind of scary. I think the manager at the Indian Restaurant up the road was right when he said Bas has an old soul. There's a lot to see when you look in the little fellas' eyes. That's probably what makes him so appealing to everyone who meets him, even those who claim to hate children.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Bugs, go now.

Insect repellent. How he got it doesn't take too much guess work, but how he took the lid off does.

I stepped out of the shower yesterday afternoon to find him happily playing with the tube of insect repellent he'd managed to collect from under the bath. He was just putting it in his mouth when all the alarm bells went off. I grabbed it off him to find a single tooth scrap in the gel, called for Patrick who came sprinting in with a glass of water to try and rinse out his mouth. We even brushed Bas' teeth to try and get any residue off.

During all this, Sebastian was looking kind of perplexed and overwhelmed by all the frantic attention he was getting. We kept a good eye on him for the evening, and nothing untoward appears to have come of it. He had a rather unsettled half hour or so about midnight, but I think teething (or the nachos) had more to do with that than anything else.

Man, talk about a full time job.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Renovating a Distracting Application

Man, applying for jobs and updating resumes is certainly a challenge when you've got an overtly helpful one year old sitting on your lap. Bas thought he could help me complete my Coles/Myer application by playing with the Ctrl and Fn keys while I typed and scrolled with the mouse. Even after I had asked him nicely a few times to stop playing with the laptop, he'd look at me mischieviously while casually pressing the Fn key several times. I was eventually forced to put him back on the floor to play with his toys (first distracting him with food) after he almost managed to lose all the information I'd just entered. I may have been just a tad nervous because of it.

The distraction didn't last for very long, and soon enough more explorations were begun. This time it was to get in early with his carpentry apprenticeship as he tried to help Patrick nail a few wallboards onto the dining room. A few more shuntings around the place and he eventually distracted himself with his toys and is now having the time of his life with a light switch of all things! Kids!

He's going to be joining us at a friends place for dinner tonight, so we shall see how he copes with Nachos. Of course, we'll be taking our own little something for the munchkin, but it'll be interesting to see if he can handle it.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Fun with books

Lots of fun reading today. Bas was being a little bit of a nuisance while Patrick was attemtping some renovations, so I decided to distract the little mite with some colourful books. He absolutely adores "The Lady Who Swallowed a Fly". Everytime I turned a page he'd giggle with pure delight. I think perhaps he has a morbid mind, I mean, the Old Lady dies in the end and he thinks it's hilarious! Mind you, I've known that since the first time he saw Willy Wonka and giggled when Charlie and Granpa Jo were nearing the top of the bubble room. Not at any other part of the film did he laugh, just this one. He's one twisted individual. But he's cute, so I guess he can get away with it for the time being.

The next book we read was a book about tails. Not as interested in this one, but he did enjoy sitting on the floor for half an hour just turning the pages. He also enjoyed the book about monsters, mainly for the page turning fun that could be had with that as well.

He's so even tempered and relaxed it's amazing. He can entertain himself for hours on end, and only generally gets needy when he's tired. Sometimes he'll whinge for something to eat, but we're usually on top of that while he's up and about, so it's a fairly rare occurrance.

Presently he's fast asleep for his late afternoon nap and when he wakes, he'll get a yummy dinner of vegetables with spinach and plum sauce. He doesn't mind spinach, but today will be the first time he tries plum sauce. So we'll see how he likes that!